
The Story of the Doll Klaw You Said Music Video

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Thanksgiving dinner was winding down as my sister in law was telling me about her friend Blu who was trying to get her music project off the ground. Having watched many of my musician friends struggle with little to no success I was admittedly half-heartedly listening. She was showing me some songs that were well produced and a music video that needed some work. I knew what was coming but was trying to be polite.

“Would you be interested in making a video for Blu?” I wrestled with the idea. I’d been in post production on a documentary and I wanted to get it fuckin’ done already! Naomi noticed my hesitation. She tried a different tactic.

“How much would you charge for something like this.” Also a familiar question when regarding bands who never have any money. Musicians are the most taken advantage of artists on the planet.

“2000 dollars would be the minimum. Also, you should know, I have little interest in a performance video with catchy visuals. I’d rather tell a good story and unfortunately that costs a bit of money. To be clear, none of that money would end up in my pocket.” I felt like I was being a dick, but I figured it would be best to be honest.

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Flash forward to a couple weeks later: We’re making this thing. I brought Roland Castro and Masha Balakireva in to help me come up with a story. We spent 5 hours building a storyboard before we completely threw everything out when Roland started riffing about Blu burying a dead body.

“That’s the story! And she’s waltzing with her shovel!” Roland and Masha look at me with raised eyebrows. They weren’t so sure about that weirdness but I was unwilling to let the idea go.

Three weeks later, we had assembled an unpaid eleven person crew almost two hours in the middle of the desert where we couldn’t fly under the radar without permits. Our money went into food, gas, props, camping equipment, and costumes and I still paid $500 out of my own pocket. The fact that this thing got made is a testament to the kindness of my friends. Thank you to Roland Castro, Masha Balakireva, Hanuman Brown-Eagle, Francis Galluppi, Mike Targus, Jessica Caro, Alex Lopes, Michael Rodgers, Naomi Foss, Ksusha Genenfeld, and Matt Dohlen. We couldn’t have done it without you.  --Eric Foss

Watch the full video below!

Jessica Caro of Doll Klaw on the set of ‘You Said’

Bio - Doll Klaw

Doll Klaw is the solo music project created and composed by Los Angeles native musician Jessica Caro.

After being the vocalist for several short-lived bands since the age of 17, Jessica dived into music software which allowed her to create music from the comfort of her bedroom. Influenced by dark wave, post-punk, and synth pop, she self released her first EP “Battery Tongue”. Embracing her weirdness in “Battery Tongue”, Jessica allowed her childhood traumas to be the drive behind her avant-garde live performances and her music as an avenue to release her rage.

Recently, Jessica headed to Seahorse Sound Studios to record her newest EP, titled “Thorns”. “Thorns” introduces Doll Klaw’s transition to its new polished sound, returning to Jessica Caro’s roots as a vocalist and demonstrates her vocal capabilities. Calling in elements of indie/dream pop/electropop, “Thorns” showcases Jessica’s growth as an artist and sets the tone for the new era of Doll Klaw.

Eric Foss