
I have a blog!

It has been a strange few years since I made this website. I basically just threw it together and didn’t look at it again until January 2020 when a colleague of mine told me it was kind of a mess and that I need to take myself more seriously if I ever want to get anywhere. Fair. Anyway, I pulled up the website and was surprised to see that I have a blog! When I was building the site I had probably seen that option and said, “hey, cool, maybe I’ll do that one day.”

Now, I know that nobody is ever going to read this. And I probably don’t want anybody to. In fact, if you’re reading this right now, please go do something else with the little time you have here on earth. But, maybe it’ll be good for me. Maybe I’ll keep using it. Maybe it’ll be a diary or a place for me to organize my thoughts. Or maybe it will go unused and this will be the only post for the next three years when someone else tells me to update my website.

Eric Foss